Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hubby says we know what we're doing

I had an interesting discussion on the way to the VA. I told hubby a bit about things shared in this sisterhood of ours and he said, "they don't forget, they know what they said." I asked him what he meant...he said he does not forget the times he ranted during a possible spike in sugar...he said he may have later regretted it but he didn't forget it and he was claiming that he does not think the other men forget what they said and how they acted either. I thought it was interesting. "they might want to forget, but they know what they did." So there you have it...mind you, he does not go low...well, a few times in the night a few years back he woke up and was clammy and disoriented and needed a glass of juice but his sugars have always tended to run super high...I just thought it was interesting...he was passionate about stating that he does not believe the men are forgetting what they said during a rant...they just might wish they could forget. Controlling? I will ask him that next...can our diabetic spouses control their angry words when they start spouting? Is it a matter of choosing and then maybe regretting it later? So there you have it...out of my man's diabetic mouth. PS I feel the best I have in a week and hubby seems to be experiencing seasonal allergies more than a full blown cold...so hippie skippie we are on the upswing of a good week so far...hope you are too.


  1. Very interesting Lynn.

    After a rant my DH is remorseful and tells me I didn't do anything wrong. For over two years when I would bring up the horrible words he had yelled, he would deny ever having said them. Which would just about lead us in to another fight. (These new fights would difinitely be started by me.)

    Food for thought. Thanks for sharing.

    Love, S

  2. I couldn't get over how adamant my hubby was about the "they don't forget" part of his reaction to my simple chatter about what we all write about on here... I actually thought he would agree...but then I don't recall him actually saying he didn't remember. HUGS

  3. First, Lynn, I love how you are always so up beat. I wish I were more like that. Glad you are feeling better -- hope that continues.

    Second, my Tom is low-guy. The only time I ever remember him going above 200 is when he was in the hospital -- enough said on that!

    But I can't even count the times he screamed and raved and AFTER 2 full glasses of juice he tested at 37 or 50.

    So, in my case, its a different tale -- and he swears he never remembers anything. and, interestingly. I believe him on that....

    Stay good.

  4. I was leary to report this because my hubby has not had the low sugar experiences like all of yours have...so take it with a grain of sugar shall we say...he might be coming from a different place with his "they remember" comment. I was surprised.
    Now highs...he's been as high as 700...when he was 600 one time we were running a diner and he was dizzy and disoriented...I said "ENOUGH!!!!" we closed the doors, he ended up in the ER and we never opened up again. That was 2 years ago this June. Ever since he has one appt after another and one health problem after another and up until a week ago he was always high with his readings...this last week it has been averaging 120s-170 which are still high but we'll take it...night insulin getting upped and less eating in the evening seems to be doing it.
    If he goes the way he is going I might have some experience with the lows soon...then I will report back...maybe he will have a different opinion.
    I have noticed at times before eating he can get snappy and intolerant especially out to eat, but his mom was like that so i figured it was personality...oh well...we will always analyze everything because we can. HUGS and LOVE

  5. My hubby actually doesn't " act up " when he is high, just low....again, we all know diabetes affects everyone differently though :)

  6. Just wondering:
    Has your hubby ever been low and screamed at you? Sounds like his problem is usually being too high. If he hasn't, am wondering (please don't take this the wrong way) how he is so sure that they "know what they are doing."

  7. I should not have shared this...it surprised me...my hubby is new to even testing his blood sugar. he would have it tested at the lab but seldom tested it himself because when he did it was always high and he got discouraged. A few times he woke in the night and was cold and clammy and disoriented and took his sugar and it was low...no, he didn't scream at me. sorry if I upset you all.

  8. Told hubby that the gals ain't buying the fact that their hubbys remember what they said and did when they had low sugar...to which he said that when he has known he was low and was disoriented he remembered being disoriented he didn't just forget it.
    I love you guys. It is what it is and it is a disease and we are married to it, for better or worse. HUGS

  9. I thought of something else....I think the more lows you have, the worse things can happen. Like developing hypo unawareness...my hubby is a low and high guy. I have seen him as low as 17, yes 17, that's not a typo, and as high as oh I don't know 300-500 (the 500 being when his pump malfuntioned) so hang in there, maybe he is being honest about himself :))) hugs!

  10. Sandy may be on to something here. Your hubby may still remember when he goes low, whereas mine has gone as low as Sandy's hubby on several occasions. At that point, he doesn't remember anything! I'm not upset with you, by the way. Just trying to understand. Aren't we all?

  11. Sorry so sensitive...the bleeding for six days has me thin skinned.
    Mine has been as low as 43 and over 600...yikes! Lately he has been ranging from 130-200. he had a fever yesterday but not today. he has no pep but mostly because the pain in the back and leg returned.
    Thanks for hanging in there with me...thin skin thin skin...that's what my growing up family would cry when we acted sensitive. LOVE YA

  12. I meant my hubby's readings have been as low as 43 and higher than 600. HUGS
