Monday, March 14, 2011


So day three of the pain pills and I am a slave to noticing the mood altering effects. Oh my goodness...not bad or violent or destructive but weird...very needy and affectionate...needs lots of hugs and reassuring is just very I said...who doesn't want lots and lots of hugs...but the slurred speech and hazy loopy behavior is unsettling...the VA chiropractor is away this week and like I said the back is better but he can't stand or walk without grimacing in pain even on the pain next week we will go back so they can work on the trouble areas...pain pills alter moods when they ease the pain...but he is not himself...any thoughts? Is that what you ladies are seeing with your guys too? Mood alterations that are concerning?

I always write "hugs"...but these hug requests from hubby are drug-induced. I want the genuine hugs back. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Lynn, I can't begin to describe the "monster" my hubby was on the fentanyl patch! Oh my gosh! It was a nightmare. He was yelling and screaming at me, in the hospital, in front of the nurses. The "look" he gave me is embedded in my brain was pure hatred. Yet I know it was not him at was the pain meds.

    They switched him to oxycodine and I think that was just as bad. Once he got home, I told him he had to stop the stuff. He had to go off all pain meds. And he did. And it is nearly killing him. But I tell you, it was either that....or I would have probably left. I can't deal with that kind of monster.....and he couldn't work with that much of an altered personality.

    Keeping you in my prayers!

  2. Mine is on Oxycodine and he is not screaming but so weird and needy and sloppy drunk acting and yesterday he fell down...he keeps saying I love you and that is wonderful but every sentence? i said it is like he is a sloppy sappy happy drunk...painfree but exhausting.
