Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How low will it go

Well, hubby complained about not feeling well and being clammy...he took his blood sugar and it was 74. He just ate a sensible meal, roast chicken, asparagus, baked potatoes and a few strawberries...he tested is blood pressure and it was good...then he had a banana and a pear but he still felt off, not well...he tried a little homemade granola I made out of buckwheat flakes, honey, raisins, and nuts...perhaps this is low for him and that is why he felt the way he did. I am not used to lows...he had a new diabetic med added so maybe it will take time for him to get it all regulated. HUGS hope you all are having a lovely evening.


  1. As we have discussed before, they are all different....
    74 would be slightly low for Tom
    he would be a little off
    but easily "fixed" with a little food
    sounds like you did the right thing
    giving him carbs and other healthy food
    new meds complicate everything
    good luck

  2. 74 could mean different things for different people. Good job with the carbs though :)

  3. Thanks you two! Yes, he seems to be on a downward spiral with the readings now that they added Actos and upped his night insulin...but with that comes the chance that he might go too low so your experiences are so important to me.
