Sunday, March 10, 2013

HELLO I stopped blogging because I could not get on the site or post so I stopped trying...well, this morning I tried and it worked so I am back!
How are you all? hubby has had a lot of back pain and had a stent put in due to blockage a week before Christmas...never really feels very well. Stopped using his sleep apnea machine...ugh...oh well, said he felt it was smothering day at a time...his sugar is under control and blood pressure is good but he is fatigued and suffering with the back pain. He goes to a chiropractor next week...hoping that could improve his quality of life.

good to be back...XO

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn
    I missed you.
    So you told us about Tom.
    What about you?
    how is your health?
