Monday, December 20, 2010

Back problems...hope

Spent the day at the VA with hubby. He has spinal stenosis and some bulging discs that are causing the sciatica and painful episodes...he was told it will take a long time but with physical therapy three times a week and nerve meds and pain meds he can get through the ordeal. Might need cortisone shots at some point and if the PT does not help, chiropratic consult will be next to try.

Next we start the process to do something about the tumor on the pituitary gland which will be accomplished with visits to a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

Healthcare is a daily routine. Daily daily daily.

He signed on to Health Buddies at the VA and will get a modem that connects to the computer and send his daily sugar readings to the VA and a nurse there along with his clinic PA will more closely monitor his diabetes and daily managing of it. After all these years he is eager to be connected and have the checks and balances...encouraging.

I had a rough time of it last week with an infection in my breast...the breast that had a hematoma surgically removed...on Keflex and it is clearing up so hurray!

As we age and take care of each other it is a strengthening bond...but nonetheless all encompassing.

Two sons are here for a while and it has been a blessing...hubby can talk business with one and son's dog has been a godsend for hubby to pet and love...both sons are great pals to win. And having them around helps with the stress of coping with so much pain and limited quality of life.


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